So I'm currently on the hunt for a second part time or full time job. And ideally I'd like to work as an Esthetician in a Spa or salon or as a makeup artist in that setting. I've been all over the place looking for spas and salons, going to interviews, searching the internet, and trying to find a great Spa that will fit for me. It's no easy task finding the right place to work as an Esthetician. While there is no such thing as a perfect Spa (in most cases I have met people who say they work at a perfect Spa...where is that?!!) I refuse to settle for less just because. So this morning I had an interview at a great Spa literally down the street from where I live. I can't say how excited/incredibly nervous I was to go, but I knew this was going to be a good experience.... hopefully..... actually I ended up leaving the interview a lot more confused and honestly a little stressed about my decision on whether to take the position or not . There's a list of pros about this Spa as well as a list of cons about it as well. So the search still continues. I need the perfect match for my Sephora job. Two places I work and get the best out of both. If not a Esthetician position, then definitely something in the beauty industry. ...... not to mention I'm currently preparing for my state boards... oh gosh... lets just hope that by the end of the week I don't end up looking like this...

Until next time loves!
Best of luck doll!
Good luck! Hope it all works out :)
Good luck.hope you end up all well.
Good luck! I am sure you will find the perfect place:)
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